Web Sites

Need a web site? Need updates made to an existing site? To make your existing site work on mobile devices? Not sure what you need?

We can help.

Digital Marketing

We won’t promise you “the first page of Google.” (Nobody can.) But we’ll help craft the right digital media strategy for your site, including SEO/SEM, Facebook and Twitter, content marketing and more.

Digital Strategy

Not sure what you need? We can help with that too. We’ll work with you to craft a digital strategy that will help your business or organization achieve its goals.


You’ve got a website and a CMS? Now what? We can help, with training in WordPress, SEO or basic digital strategy – available in-person, in a classroom, or online.


Changes Coming to Facebook Pages

Changes Coming to Facebook Pages

Heads up for anyone running a Facebook page - a change is coming on August 1, 2019 that could have a pretty significant impact. And as is so often the case with major Facebook updates, I found out about it by accident. One of my clients/colleagues posted a general...

What’s in a Name… Server?

What’s in a Name… Server?

(Yikes, what a terrible pun. I apologize. Actually, no I don’t. I’m proud of it and I’d do it again.) Moving your domain from one registrar to another is a relatively simple process that goes something like this: Initiate a transfer with the new registrar. Get an...

Fun with Gutenberg

Fun with Gutenberg

Not long ago, WordPress unveiled the biggest change to their page editor in quite some time. They called it Gutenberg, after the man who popularized movable-type printing in Europe and helped usher in the "modern era." I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that...